Well, after completing the skeleton structure for our thing-a-ma-bob a few weeks ago, it was time to some fancy electrical wiring! How do I know how to do electrical wiring? Well, I don't! But here the basic rules! Fingers crossed!
Rule #1:
Try to keep track of your many, many wires
Rule #2:
Think up new uses for your label maker
Rule #3:
Dress up your exposed wires like Lady Gaga
Rule #4:
Have somebody trustworthy check your work
Rule #5:
Brace yourself and cross your fingers
Rule #6:
OMG! It works! Cough, not that I'm surprised
And finally...
Rule #7:
Cover up your mistakes with fondant
Oh wait, that's for cakes. Ok, just spray paint it!
It's done! It's built! Hooray!
Now. What is it? And what is it for?
Stay tuned...