
Fresh Prince House

Oh yes. This happened.
On a recent work trip to LA, the crew and I decided we should probably find the Fresh Price of Bel Air mansion. SO WE DID!Oh heck yes!
More photos coming eventually!
This photo courtesy of Friskey Brown's Twitter!

AHHH! This was the coolest thing ever!

Days Like These

Sometimes, this is all you can do.


Obligatory Cat Photo



Words Of Wisdom

"When life makes takes away your clothing rack, improvise..."



My Brain

I'm pretty sure this is what the inside of my brain looks like.


Street Robot



Know what is usually easy to find in Canada? Snow.
This year? No so much. Or not SNOW much. Har har!

I was asked to find a snowy location for a photo shoot, and I never thought it would be a difficult task in February. I looked left, and I looked right, and there was just no snow in sight. So onward we drove! And look!We found snow!
What did we shoot there?
Stay tuned!


Tatler Russia

Excited to present the cover of Tatler Russia! Shot on site in Miami! Featuring the lovely and talented Anna Kournikova!

Oh what a day we had!