This is a picture I took of Alyssa Reid!This is where you can CLICK to listen to Alyssa Reid! Singing is cool! I love young talent, and this girl is the real deal. Watch out for more amazing things from her in the very near future...
Last week I had a very fun photo session with a fantastic Canadian actor by the name of Allen Altman. All actors eventually need photos taken, but we didn't know how important these photos would become until the following day...
What happened the next day you may ask? Well, I'm glad you asked! The day after our shoot, a movie that Allen stars in called Incendies, was nominated for an Academy Award! WOAH! THAT IS AWESOME! Man that is just super sweet. Canada is totally representing in the foreign film category this year!
So huge congrats to Allen and all the cast and crew of Incendies! I will be cheering for you! Hooray! And in the meantime, here is one of the photos from our shoot. Hopefully you will see others popping up all over the place when this movie wins an Oscar and totally dominates everything!
So we're at the studio. Doing a shoot for a hair competition. Hair stuff takes a while. We got bored. UH OH! WATCH OUT FOR BOREDOM! You know what that means?
Play. Time.
And that was how the Skeletor-Ballerina-Bride was born! The. End.
A week or so ago I was going through old things in my old room at my parents' house. Along with a lot of crappy jewelry from Bittersweet that I got for my 16th birthday, I also found three rolls of undeveloped black and white film...
Of COURSE I got it developed! My curiosity really got the best of me and I just couldn't wait... The results were... Well. A little disappointing. Pretty cool that some of them were from as long ago as high school, but the photos themselves were just camera tests, and nothing too fancy. Nevertheless! Here are a few from my first roll!
High school art class!
Annoying my friends by sticking cameras in their faces since 2002...
It's a new year and that means new rules! This year, RandoMondays will take place NOT on the first Monday of each month, but on a random Monday during the month! Thus making them THAT MUCH MORE random than last year! Yes!
For the first entry of the year, I present you with... This strip of photo booth photos I found at the mall during Christmas break! I never understood going into the photo booth by yourself, but it seems to happen. This strip must not have been up to her standards because she left it in the machine... Or she went to the bathroom and I took it before she could get it...
So in conclusion... If this is your strip of photos, I have it!
One thing they don't tell you when you set out to self-publish a book is that you have to find somewhere to put all the books, and that's a damn lot of books. Don't get me wrong, I've sold some books, but 1500 books don't just fly out of your parents' dining room in under a year!
You may recall THIS scene from June 2010!
I was told about a wonderful art book distribution company that has an impressive catalogue of books, which they distribute to fantastic stores all over Europe and The States. That's awesome! Sounds too good to be true!
In an effort to stand out, I added some humour to my book submission package. I BEGGED them to take some of my books because my poor parents still have a LOAD of boxes of books in their dining room! I sure hope they think I'm funny. I also included this photo, to show that I mean business...I felt like the messy hair would tug at their heartstrings a bit. Oh this poor girl has so many books, she can't even brush her hair! That makes sense.
Guys, have we even talked about the fact that you can buy POSER online from the Indigo website!? Dude, that is so awesome! Don't you want to buy a copy?
If you like nudity, and you like books, and you like supporting the arts, this is the book for you! If you already have a copy, tell your friends to buy a copy!
They have the best price in town! Order your copy RIGHT HERE!
In December I posted a blog about Toro Magazine's Toro Woman segment, with a promise that I would also be responsible for the January edition as well! Well, I wasn't lying!
Here are a few favourites from this month's Toro Woman shoot with mega babe actress, Kristen Hager! And check out the whole shoot HERE!
Every once in a while, a location for a shoot comes along that just works so perfectly it makes everybody be like "WOAH" when they walk into it. That was hardly a sentence, but that is how excited I am about this location that I had the pleasure of shooting in as my last shoot of 2010.
The shoot itself will be coming out on Monday, but here is a sneak peak of the glory that is Cherry Cola's Rock N' Rolla!
Look how FRIGGING awesome! And did I mention there was a KITTY there!? And I bought it food and it loved me! Check the blog next week to see what happens when you take a gorgeous location and stick a hot girl in it!
So this is a brand new year eh? Doesn't feel TOO different yet. But I've heard that in 2011 there are going to be more cool kinds of robots and even more flying cars and all that other good future stuff that the movies foretold...
Did you make any resolutions? Of course I did! Wanna know them?
1. Exercise. Ha. 2. Read more books. I usually do the bulk of my reading when I'm on vacation because if I read at home I feel guilty that I'm not doing work. I aim to change that. 3. Well. You're not going to like this. But I got a Flip for Christmas and so I am resolving to document more stuff and share it with all of you!
The only resolution I've even attempted so far is, you guessed it, documenting stuff. And what am I documenting? You guessed it. My cat.
Stay tuned to the blog this year for exciting posts about work, photos, baking, cats, funny other things and cats!