During my recent travels I noticed something. People from the past liked making statues of stuff. Specifically lions. As I came across more and more lion statues, I pondered many things. Things like, "I wonder why lion statues look different in different places?!" Hmm. Any ideas?
I gathered photographic evidence of lions in 5 European cities to go along with my research.
In Budapest, lions wear building hats.
Lions are running rampant in Budapest, moreso than in other cities. All of the above lions are from Budapest, and they range in emotion from indifferent to majestic, to roar-y.
The above lion is in Vienna, and I have to say, he looks REALLY uncomfortable. Sadly, he cannot escape, because he has been turned into stone and left in Oz to be discovered years later by Dorothy when she returned... Wait, I got side tracked. Back to lions.
This hilarious lion can be found on the famous Charles Bridge in Prague. He's funny. Like really funny. Sometimes if I need a laugh, I think about his face, and chuckle. Oh Lion-el, you slay me.
This little guy is stuck to the door of the biggest church I've ever seen, which lives in Cologne. What we can learn from this lion is that metal lions are far less common than stone lions. That's good information to have.
Last but not least, this lion in Amsterdam is clearly the most friendly of the lions, as he has made friends with this funny little bird. He also has crazy arms, and a crazy posture and he looks like he's pissed! What's with that!
Well as embarrassing as this is, it must be done. I have just come across the very first contact sheet I ever developed (in a darkroom!) and I must share it with the world. This contact sheet showcases the negatives from the very first roll of film (FILM!!?!??!) that ever got me thinking maybe I love taking photos.
I spent one summer of my life at sleepover camp and hated every minute of it, except for the minutes I spent in the camp's darkroom, hiding from annoying girls. I had a chance to play with chemicals and learn about developing photos, and shoot rolls of film around the camp. As you can see by the following contact sheet, I was less than inspired by what I found around camp.
I am not a camp person. Click to make big!
Here's what we can learn from this. Practice makes you better at doing stuff. Keep doing stuff, and you will most likely get better at it!
Today was an historic POSER day! All 1,500 books finally arrived from Singapore, and only one day later than the estimated delivery date! Not too shabs!
So. At approximately 12:52pm, I got a call saying the book truck guy was outside, and to come receive the books. Alright, sounds simple enough! I figured he'd unload them into the driveway and then my mom and I would load them into the house. Easy, right? WRONG! The delivery guy was unable to pull the skids of books to the back of the truck by himself, so he recruited me and my mom to come onto the truck and help him. No, I'm not kidding, but I thought he was. So in our sandals, we crawled onto the truck, and three skids later, the first step was complete!
When our delivery friend took off we were left with 125 boxes of 12 books each, and only each other. What's a girl to do? Roll up your damn sleeves and load those boxes into the house, that's what!
My mom is a superhero and a rock star all rolled into one. Just sayin'. How many moms would spend the entire day hauling boxes? My mom, that's how many.
Impressive Statistics:
Total number of boxes hauled: 125 Total weight per box: 33 pounds (15 kg if anybody cares) Total weight lugged by two chicks: 4,125 pounds (fuck yes!) Total number of books currently in my parents' dining room: 1,473 (yay presales!)
In conclusion, I have the most amazing mom in the world, and also a lot of books to sell. Good thing I love selling books!
Oh and also, we maybe filmed the entire thing. ENJOY!
Ignore that logo in the center of the video. Totally put that there on purpose...
POSER is creating some buzz and here's the proof! People like TV, and people like things that are on TV, so I'm hoping that if my math is correct, it means that people will also like POSER!
Watch this clip from the June 10th episode of ET Canada and hear me ramble on about POSER and see some photos from the book!
It's starting to feel more real every day, and I can't wait until the book comes out officially so I can share it with everyone!
Building stuff. What's it all about? Stuff is being built every day, and sometimes you may think, damn, I want in on that. So I'm here to share my basic rules for building all the stuff. I'm no expert, but I have built stuff in the past, and then I was building some stuff today!
Though I can't exactly explain what I'm building at the moment (you'll have to wait for Part Two for that), I am happy to set out my never fail rules for building good stuff yourself!
Let's build! Rule #1: Buy cool hardware store stuff to use for building
Rule #2: Make sure you have all of the appropriate tools
Rule #3: Use the proper techniques Rule #4: Take breaks to admire the parts of your structure Rule #5: Hydrate regularly And finally and most importantly...
Rule #6: Wear proper work attire I was able to finish the base structure today, and next will be the electrical wiring portion of this experiment! It may not look like much now... But. Maybe eventually. Something something... BUILDING! YAY!
I know what you're thinking. What the hell is that. Rest assured, it is exactly how I meant it to be, and it's not done! It's going to be something so rad, so soon. I promise! Just to show I mean business, here is a picture of the last thing I built.
These frames! 24 of them! Glass and everything! Stay tuned for more building tips, and the final results of this crazy building experiment! Next lesson... Electricity!
Maybe I'm going a little insane with all the work that I've been doing lately in preparation for launching the book, but you can't fight a cat's love for a book. He won't go anywhere without his copy, and I think all of you should do the same! Or buy one for your cat! Cats love it! You can't make this shit up.
If you haven't already purchased POSER, you can do so by clicking HERE!
The other day my very good friend Jess introduced me to the site Food Porn Daily. I have no idea how I am just hearing about this now, because it is the sexiest, most addictive website ever in life.
Every time you click, there is just some more delicious food that makes you so hungry and actually start salivating and it is really quite impressive.
Now I'm no food photographer, and I don't reckon I ever will be, but I do like taking really close up photos of things I bake sometimes. I had an occasion to make a very special cake for a very special person, so I went all out, and here are the delicious results!
Fresh buttercream frosting on a chocolate fudge cake with a layer of chocolate ganache and fresh raspberries! FUCK YES! This cake tasted as good as kittens are cute.
Wanna see more cakes? Jess and I have a cake blog as well! Neither of us have time to update it because we are both crazy busy right now, but it is still delicious slash hilarious! CHECK IT OUT!
So, I wasn't in love with the photo that was chosen for the article because I was smiling weirdly, and because I was holding a cat that wasn't my cat, and I felt like I was cheating on him. But Jeremy took some of the coolest photos ever, so here are a few of the less smiley and therefore more awesome ones!
Thanks to Jason McBride for writing one hell of an article and to Jeremy R. Jansen for taking photos of me I actually liked!
The day we've been waiting for is FINALLY HERE!!! The beautiful POSER website is finished and has officially launched, which means POSER is now available for sale!
The book's official release date is not until July 1st 2010, but if you preorder your copy in the month of June it will be shipped to you as soon as is humanly possible! AND when you purchase a preordered copy it comes with limited edition THINGS! You guys like things, right?!?
Major thanks to the incredibly talented Christine Kwan for not only designing the entire book, but creating the super fancy website as well! HIGH FIVE!