
TIFF 2010

So it seems that it has been September for a little bit now...

A new month means many things. Does it? Um. Well it CAN I suppose? This month means that our fair city will be flooded with film enthusiasts and excited folks from around the globe to celebrate the Toronto International Film Festival!

This September I am doing some things that are kinda fun AND film festival related! It's a busy time, but it'll be a fun time too.

So check THIS! This year I am a TIFF Visa Insider! That means I will be regularly tweeting and blogging about what film fest stuff is going on (for me it will be mostly work related, but still cool right?) and humans can follow along and know what is happening! There are a few of us Visa Insiders, and you can check out the VISA TIFF WEBSITE to follow along and see what's up!

My goal with this is to be really interesting so you'll WANT to follow along, but I can't promise I won't be boring. I promise to try. I'll TRY!

I'll also try to post hilarious photos like this one circa TIFF 2008...

Photo by: Henny Garfunkel
Arm scribbles by: Joaquin Phoenix